eTEACHER Newsletter 2

Welcome to the second edition of the eTEACHER project newsletter!

We are about to complete our first half of the project. After 16 months of hard work, we are glad to see how our vision of changing the behavior of buildings energy users is taking shape, through a set of empowering ICT tools to facilitate energy interventions.
The main focus of the first project year was the development of social studies about the users of our 9 pilot buildings located in the UK, Spain and Romania to understand energy behaviour of buildings´ users and identify key aspects of behavioural change. In this regard, we conducted a number of sites visits, surveys and workshops which have shown valuable findings. We are proud of our social experts who translated the findings of the social studies into worthy recommendations for the design of eTEACHER empowering tools.

Now, we are deep inside our second project year whose main goal is the implementation of selected empowering tools. Some of these tools are: What-if Analysis to identify energy conservation measures based on behavioural change, data processing for the analysis of the energy system performance and the assessment of indoor quality, universal communication interface, dashboard and an App.
Besides, our demo sites have been preliminary characterized and we are now fully engaged in the monitoring activities, in the different pilots, which will be key to complete such characterization to provide data to our empowering tools and to evaluate the behavioural change at the last stage of the project.

Since our last newsletter, the consortium met in Merida in November 2018 for a Project Progress Meeting where partners worked on and discussed about the implementation of eTEACHER tool-box and the monitoring system of the pilot buildings. In addition, we all took part in an exploitation workshop focused on Business Models.In this issue, you will be able to learn about the three pillars of our project: our Social Researchers findings, our ICT tools and our pilots. Don’t forget to download the newsletter, check out our website and use the social media to inform your network about our interesting news!

Dr. Noemi Jiménez-Redondo
eTEACHER Project Coordinator

5 Feb 2019

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